things to do while you wish you were due

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Nursery Decor

9:32 AM Posted by Sophie No comments
Star Lights from Target, $15
Paper lantern, $10.95 on Amazon
What was I just saying about how I should NOT buy nursery stuff because it takes up too much room? Wellll... I just bought two boxes of these star lights from Target for $15 each... At least I'm not buying a crib mattress or anything...

I'm also allll about this paper lantern from Amazon. It kinda sucks it costs that much and then doesn't come with the wiring?? So it ends up being around $20. And it's just paper. I mean, I'll probably buy it or put it on our wishlist buttt I'm not gonna be happy about it!

The main thing that I'm resisting buying for the nursery is ART! There is so much awesome space-themed kid art that I want to buy it all! NAO!!! I think I've posted them before, but the Earth Science prints from here are AMAZING. They also have star charts that blow my mind. Here's a picture for you lazy butts.

But when I'm incredibly broke and also have no idea where I'll be living when I have a nursery... It's silly to be buying a ton of stuff.


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Goodwill? More like Greatwill!

1:09 PM Posted by Sophie No comments
The red dog one says 'woof woof' The monster one says 'hug me!'

Look at that elephant one though!
Okay so no one really cares about the size/brand, right? I got a bunch more cute shit from goodwill! Since the nursery theme is gonna be space, the green space onesie and the robot PJs are kinda perrrrfectt. Look at that lil elephant one. THE ARM IS THE TRUNK. How cute is that?!

What I really SHOULD do, is start looking for nursery stuff to buy! But I guess that gets to be a lot bigger. The clothes I can just throw in a bag (...or three...) but when you start getting into more than that, it can get bulky and we have no space for that!