things to do while you wish you were due

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Nursery Decor

9:32 AM Posted by Sophie No comments
Star Lights from Target, $15
Paper lantern, $10.95 on Amazon
What was I just saying about how I should NOT buy nursery stuff because it takes up too much room? Wellll... I just bought two boxes of these star lights from Target for $15 each... At least I'm not buying a crib mattress or anything...

I'm also allll about this paper lantern from Amazon. It kinda sucks it costs that much and then doesn't come with the wiring?? So it ends up being around $20. And it's just paper. I mean, I'll probably buy it or put it on our wishlist buttt I'm not gonna be happy about it!

The main thing that I'm resisting buying for the nursery is ART! There is so much awesome space-themed kid art that I want to buy it all! NAO!!! I think I've posted them before, but the Earth Science prints from here are AMAZING. They also have star charts that blow my mind. Here's a picture for you lazy butts.

But when I'm incredibly broke and also have no idea where I'll be living when I have a nursery... It's silly to be buying a ton of stuff.


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Goodwill? More like Greatwill!

1:09 PM Posted by Sophie No comments
The red dog one says 'woof woof' The monster one says 'hug me!'

Look at that elephant one though!
Okay so no one really cares about the size/brand, right? I got a bunch more cute shit from goodwill! Since the nursery theme is gonna be space, the green space onesie and the robot PJs are kinda perrrrfectt. Look at that lil elephant one. THE ARM IS THE TRUNK. How cute is that?!

What I really SHOULD do, is start looking for nursery stuff to buy! But I guess that gets to be a lot bigger. The clothes I can just throw in a bag (...or three...) but when you start getting into more than that, it can get bulky and we have no space for that!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Bugs, Lizards, and Baby Things

3:00 PM Posted by Sophie 2 comments

 So, I generally hate bugs. And I'm not a huge lizard fan. But for some reason, I am allll about having a kid who LOVES bugs and lizards. I want them (especially if they're a girl) to loves science and is really passionate about it. Or at least I want to encourage that, though not force it. So when I was at Carter's, I got this sweet lizard shirt! It was $5 and is for a 9 month old. Right along that same vein, I want my daughter (though son too) to know she's smart and what she says matters! I got the Girl Genius onesie for $5 too! And since our nursery theme is space, I of course had to get those astronaut PJs for $8, size 6 months. The warm looking monster hat was $3! I won't use it for a while, it's for a one or two year old but it was so cheap and cute andddd has little mittens too!

Since we're SUPER broke all the time, I though it'd be smart to stop buying new clothes and start buying second hand! All of the next few pictures are from Goodwill and All cost under $5! Some of them are even Carter's brand! SO from top to bottom and left to right! Crab onesie: Carter's, 6months. Overalls: OshKosh, 6months, Alligator onesie: Carter's, 12months.

Moose 2 piece set: Carter's, 6-9months, Yeti shirt: Jumping Beans, 12months. Owl onesie: The Children's Place, 3-6months.

Train vest: The Children's Place, 2years. Dino PJs: The Children's Place, 6-9 months

While I couldn't find things I was in LOVE with at Goodwill, like I do at Carter's, not everything my child is going to wear is something I'm going to love. And as they get older, that'll be more and more true. Soon they'll be wearing shirts that say "Cuntzilla" or "Jailbait" or shirts that depict Jesus having sex with a pornstar who is giving a blowjob to the pope. Or at least that's what I wore when I got older and I'm SURE my parents didn't love THAT.

Goodwill is a good choice, and I definitely can't afford to be too picky! I'll try and go there more often when I've got that hankering for some new baby clothes.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Still Going Strong

10:17 PM Posted by Sophie 1 comment
Carters, $10 clearance, 6 month (2 onsies and pants) 
Hey friends,
Carters, $8, 9 months
Carters, part of the $10 clearance set
I'm still here! Still buying baby clothes... With no baby to put in them! Part of me says "Just go for it! Have a lil bebe! You'll make it work!" And another (smarter) part of me says "You need a car. And a house. And you have no money. Chill." SIGH. So I've been (semi) content to just buy baby clothes and make all my characters in Dungeons and Dragons be pregnant. So here are the clothes I got today at Carter's! I resisted SO HARD buying all the incredibly adorable dresses and things. NEUTRAL. Trying to stop NEUTRAL clothing. (And yes you can def argue that dresses are inherently neutral and it is only society that genders them and that's totally true.) I love love love this lil bug shirt! It glows in the dark, too. It was really hard to stick to the cheaper stuff, too. I passed up TWO different PJ sets. One of them just had dogs in clothes (SO CUTE) and the OTHER ONE HAD DOGS SKATEBOARDING ON IT UGH I CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T BUY THAT ONE.. Anyway. I have nothing else to contribute. Oh! Except! Here is my super awesome baby wish list! All the things I'm gonna put on an eventual registry are on there. Pretty sweet stuff. Gotta fill them days somehow!
Till next time!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Baby Clothes Addiction? Is that a thing?

2:08 PM Posted by Sophie No comments
Space onesies from Targret, $6 on clearance

Yeah, I think it is a thing. Here's my most recent addition. Since I'm obsessed with space themed things for babies, I wanted these instantly! Luckily I waited for a long time and got them on clearance! Woo!

Speaking of space themed things, I finished my space baby quilt! It was super fun!

I haven't been writing much, which I apologize for! But we're moving soon and I'm doing a lot of budgeting (no more baby clothes for a long time! Boo!!) and have been busy! I'll write a longer post when I'm not quite so busy!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Nursery Theme

5:18 PM Posted by Sophie No comments
My nursery is PLANNED. I mean it is freaking PLANNED. TO THE LETTER. Obviously not all plans go according to plan but planning the nursery has kept me sane while waiting for the biopsy and all that mess. So I planned the crap out of a nursery. I want a gender neutral theme since I don't want to know the bebe's sex. And I love science! So a galaxy/space/ planets/alien theme is the best ever. Mah bebe's gonna be so edumacated. (sorry if the pictures are all messed up)

Some of these things aren't even available anymore/are unrealistic to get but they're just ideas for inspiration! That cradle is over $1000 for example... but actually looks kinda like you could make it? The curtains and quilt also aren't available any more but both are things I could make. I loveloveloveeee the female scientists posters. 

I think before I said I wanted a monster theme, which is still totally awesomeeee. But I decided on the space theme because I think it inspires not only imagination, but interest in science! Sososo important.

So what other themes do you guys like? Woodland animals? Zoo animals? Explorers? Under the sea? Circus tent? Super gendered princess/sport theme? (Not that I'm judging)

Fear and Retail Therapy

12:11 PM Posted by Sophie No comments
Hey friends,
So as very few of you know, I've been having some health issues. I've only told a few people because I've been pretty scared. My doctor found a lump on my thyroid a few weeks ago. First I had to do an ultrasound (yeah, not how I imagined my first ultrasound) and then I had to wait two weeks (waiting is the best. NOT.) and today I just got a biopsy of the lump. Which was super scary and painful and I cried a lot. Anyways, it got me thinking a lot about pregnancy, because the thyroid is so important in pregnancy! It's a huge factor in fetal brain development and hypothyroidism (what I'm pretty sure is the issue I have) can lead to retardation in babies. So yeah. Your thyroid is super important. People with thyroid problems can also have problems getting pregnant in the first place. I always just assumed that getting pregnant was going to be pretty easy for me, and it still might be! But the idea that something could be wrong was so jarring and shocking! Of course I won't know final results till next week and there are thyroid replacement drugs that can make everything fine. I just had that "oh" feeling. Like, this is what it feels like for your body to not be the way you thought it was. Everything will probably be fine, but it's scary not to be able to say with certainty, everything WILL be fine.
Carter's Bicycle dress, $8, size 3 months

After the biopsy I went to Babies R Us with my mom, which was pretty fun! As much fun as it was going with The Ginger, he didn't really know what things were or could have critical conversations about them and if they'd be good for babies. So it was really fun to go with my mom who could coo over things with me. There were also lots of clothes sales! And you know I can't resist baby clothes. And of course GIRL baby clothes. I'm jinxing myself, I know. I have no baby girl names and all I can buy are girl clothes. I'll either have a nameless girl, or have a boy with a closet full of girl clothes.

Time for some Grey's Anatomy curled up on the couch massaging my neck now. Next time I'll write on weird baby names and nursery themes (which I'm totally obsessed with).

Till next time, loves!