things to do while you wish you were due

Sunday, September 29, 2013

"Baby People" and Waiting

5:16 PM Posted by Sophie No comments
This post I'll be talking about "Baby People" and waiting till the time is right.

I realize that I'm defiantly a "Dog Person". When people come over to my house, I seem to obsess over my dog. I constantly talk about her and say how cute she is and talk about all the cute things she does. This leads me to believe I'm going to be one of those "Baby People". You know the ones. There seems to be no other topic for discussion than their child? I know, I know, I sound horrible. Of COURSE they love their child, why SHOULDN'T they talk about them?? Well, for people without children, conversations about explosive diarrhea and every facial twitch your baby has can be kind of... gross? Boring? I'm worried I'm going to be one of these people who seem to forget all other topics of conversation once I have a child. My mom says she made a conscious effort to not talk about me as a child constantly. I wonder if that's all it takes? Making up your mind not to talk about your child all the time? Or maybe you just get friends who have kids and they don't mind...

Now on to talk about The Wait. The Ginger and I said before we got married that we would wait at least a year after getting married to try for a baby. We just celebrated a year a few weeks ago but during that time, we've also realized how much we enjoy just being together. I love him so much and the time we have together is so wonderful, I don't really want to end it so soon by having a baby. Of course having a baby will be a wonderful amazing experience. It will also be a lot of work. And it will never be just the two of us again. I want to maximize the time we have together before adding another little person to our family. It is a hard wait. My parents are getting older, my dog is getting older (Both of whom I want to be around a good long time when a have a baby). I'm really impatient to have a bebe, but at the same time I want to wait.

In the meantime, I'm just going to stockpile a ton of baby clothes.


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