things to do while you wish you were due

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Nursery Theme

5:18 PM Posted by Sophie No comments
My nursery is PLANNED. I mean it is freaking PLANNED. TO THE LETTER. Obviously not all plans go according to plan but planning the nursery has kept me sane while waiting for the biopsy and all that mess. So I planned the crap out of a nursery. I want a gender neutral theme since I don't want to know the bebe's sex. And I love science! So a galaxy/space/ planets/alien theme is the best ever. Mah bebe's gonna be so edumacated. (sorry if the pictures are all messed up)

Some of these things aren't even available anymore/are unrealistic to get but they're just ideas for inspiration! That cradle is over $1000 for example... but actually looks kinda like you could make it? The curtains and quilt also aren't available any more but both are things I could make. I loveloveloveeee the female scientists posters. 

I think before I said I wanted a monster theme, which is still totally awesomeeee. But I decided on the space theme because I think it inspires not only imagination, but interest in science! Sososo important.

So what other themes do you guys like? Woodland animals? Zoo animals? Explorers? Under the sea? Circus tent? Super gendered princess/sport theme? (Not that I'm judging)


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